The Co-op of development for bio-dynamic agriculture in Hazoua (GDABD) was founded in 2002 due to the wish of the farmers to unify and to promote the marketing of their products. The farmers of the region started biodynamics in 1990 and have noticed the good impact of this convertion and their new structure.
The aims of GDABD
- Protection of the natural ressources
- working along the standards of Biodynamic farming
- good working atmosphere for all people involved
- Supporting the biodynamic agriculture
- Diversification of the production, Biodiversity in the parcels
- Education of biodynamic farmers
- Exchange with other biodynamic projects
- Support of the farmers association
Cerification of the farmers co-op
• Organic Certification
Since 1993, The GDABD has produced the Deglet Nour Dates on their best parcels along biodynamic guidelines. The work is in cooperation with BeniGhreb and controlled by Ecocert and Demeter.
• Certification FLO
The GDABD aims for equitable prizes for thier products to ensure the income of people involved in the production and processing of the Deglet Nour Dates. The GDABD has been FLO-certified since 2004.
1. Quality cultivation of dates, vegetables and seeds
- Thinning out
By thinning out the number of fruits on each branch decreases to enhance the quality.
- Cutting back
Some of the branches have to be cut back to make the installaltion of insect nets easier.
- Insect nets
The farmers use insect nets to keep away vermins (moths).