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We are happy to serve you requested Informations

Please contact ecohazoua at the e-mail address below

For date orders you can contact Alfred Ingold or Dominik Brunner:

Alfred Ingold

Dominik Brunner

For questions about the project:

BeniGhreb / EcoHazoua
Address: Avenue Almaghreb Alarabie Hazoua 2223, Tozeur, Tunisia
Tel: 00 216 76 44 01 03
Fax: 00 216 76 44 01 02
E-mail: saidisadok@yahoo.fr & benighreb@gmail.com
Facebook: Datte Bio équitable Beni Ghreb

BeniGhreb / EcoHazoua
00 216 76 44 01 03
Fax: 00 216 76 44 01 02
E-mail: saidisadok@yahoo.frbenighreb@gmail.com
Facebook: Datte Bio équitable Beni Ghreb
Adresse: Avenue Almaghreb Alarabie Hazoua 2223,Tozeur