EcoHazoua Projects
This page is dedicated to the different projects which are developping in Hazoua.
1. Waste water irrigation in the desert for fodder production
2. Irrigation water saving system SADOC
3. Ecological cold storage house
This page is dedicated to the different projects which are developping in Hazoua.
1. Waste water irrigation in the desert for fodder production
2. Irrigation water saving system SADOC
3. Ecological cold storage house
BeniGhreb / EcoHazoua Tel: 00 216 76 44 01 03 Fax: 00 216 76 44 01 02 E-mail: & Facebook: Datte Bio équitable Beni Ghreb Adresse: Avenue Almaghreb Alarabie Hazoua 2223,Tozeur |