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Welcome to Hazoua!

Desert trip
In the desert
Have a rest in the oasis

Please be our guest in Hazoua.


Our guesthouse with 3 comfort double rooms and two group rooms for each 10 persons is ready for you.



If you want to visit our project in Hazoua as a group please contact BeniGhreb by email or phone.

EcoHazoua can organise your stay in the biodynamic oasis with interesting visits in the project and in the desert.

Do not hesitate to ask for an individual offer: benighreb at gmail dot com

BeniGhreb / EcoHazoua
00 216 76 44 01 03
Fax: 00 216 76 44 01 02
E-mail: saidisadok@yahoo.frbenighreb@gmail.com
Facebook: Datte Bio équitable Beni Ghreb
Adresse: Avenue Almaghreb Alarabie Hazoua 2223,Tozeur